"The Virtual Art of Richard Brown" (May 22nd 2000) Times Interface
"Virtual Unreality and Dynamic
Form: An exploration of Space, Time and Energy"
published in Leonardo 33:1 MIT
Press , May 2000, pps.
"Stasis: Digital Hypnosis", Reframing
Consciousness, edited by Roy Ascott,
Books 1999. ISBN 1-84150-013-5.
Biotica: Sci-Art publication Wellcome Trust 1998. [sci-art]
reviewed in "Envisioning CyberSpace",
McGraw Hill, December 1998
Arts Magazine CIRCA 82, 1997, p9. ISEA
proceedings 1997.
Paper at 3rd UKVRSIG Conference 1996:
Real Virtuality: the modulation of space, time and energy
Biotica: "Material World", Radio 4 live interview, May 1999.
Biotica: "Forbidden Planet", Radio 4 series exploring the relationship between science and art; other artists include Anthony Gormley, Helen and Kate Storey and Cornelia Parker. November 1999.