The changing of 3D form (shape, colour,size,material) over time.
The control of that changing over time.

EG Blobby forms, implicit surfaces, textile simulations..

An early example of blobby molecules and dynamic growth algorithms being used "artistically" can be found
in the work of Yoichiro Kawaguchi (Morphogenesis, JICC publishing 1985). [Yoichiro Kawaguchi Home Page ]
Yoichiro made some interesting and relevant statements regarding the use of dynamic form and its connections to topics
I find of relevance within my own research, some key statements I quote:

"A fourth dimensional grasp will become possible through transformations of the third dimension."

"Computer graphics is not satisfied simply to surpass a simple spatial phase; it must go beyond even a time stage."

"A person must seek out the creative things he or she is aiming for from a point removed from principle like habits
and the tendencies of software programs created in advance."

"Since the Morphogenesis model does not completely define shapes with deterministic methods, both gradual
and catastrophic topological change can be carried out interactively by means of just a few input parameters."

It is the dynamic generation and control of form I find of interest, in a similar fashion to fractal generation,
where a simple time based, iterative formulae can produce an infinite range of imagery.
I am looking for the equivalent philosophers stone in order to enable the viewer/artist to be able to control
the generation of dynamic form - where the forms themselves are imbued with a psycho/physiological resonance.