Overview | ![]() |
This website illustrates interactive artworks I have created over the last ten years. Much of this work found its inspiration from previous experiments (1990-1995) using a wide variety of time based media, including high voltage electricity, mould, electrochemical reactions and sound. During this time I found great inspiration from the book Non-Euclidean Geometry, The Fourth Dimension and Modern Art, by Linda Dalrymple Henderson. Alchemical concepts also feature in my enquiry, relating to the idea that by enacting out a process within the physical world, the inner world may also be transformed. This idea being most clearly represented in the interactive work Alembic. My work would not have been possible without the previous support from the Royal College of Art, Intel, Sci Art and Interval Research, and a fellowship award from NESTA. Rather than see technology purely as a means of entertainment or escapism I would wish to use its power to enhance the value of peoples lives, perhaps through sickness, ill health and to assist in inter-communication and self awareness. My goal is to be able to foster or participate in a "Value Added Research Environment" - combining academic research, art as a mode of enquiry, philosophy, informatics, psychology and design, with a methodology for realising ideas as practical prototypes, spinning them off for manufacture and distribution with support and assistance from commerical concerns. This seeds of this ideal are currently under development under the working title "DreamLab" DreamLab: A "Value Added Enterprise" designed to create life enhancing products, services and devices - generating revenue through creative innovation and the exploitation of the resulting Intellectual Property. Download draftEnterprise Structure: Ideas Factory Alchemical Life Research Lab Conceptual space for exploring mind technologies, transformational processes and induced experiences. Mimetics Mimetics concerns the nature of representation, a process of mimicry and communication. Corporate advertising mimics and projects dreams of desire, fashion signals power, wealth, inclusion and rejection of the status quo. My interest in mimetics is that it represents an inbetween place of illusion, where things are not quite what they seem, kitsch is both crass and high art, signifying a lost memory, a place of idealised perfection. Art mimics corporations, advertising and pop architecture. We mimic and aspire to long lost heros of screen and media.Can we transcend this affected mimesia? Far from the madding crowd, extracting our sense of self from the machinations of the propaganda machines... Mimetic Images and Critical Theory |